'Star Wars: Rogue One' Plot Revealed at Star Wars Celebration

Star Wars Rogue One

We now know that the two new Star Wars movies will not be origin stories or prequels but anthologies, according to Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy. Star Wars Rogue One director Gareth Edwards who also appeared at Sunday's panel at the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim also revealed the plot of the first in in the anthology series, and it may sound very familiar. Unfortunately Josh Trank of the other Star Wars anthology called in sick for the panel, and Kennedy offered no information about the other stand-alone movie.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2-Minute Trailer Released and It's Marvelous

Star Wars Force Awakens John Boyega

OH MY GOD! There are no words to describe the feelings rushing through my body as I watch the new trailer to STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS, which was released online after kicking off the weekend at the Star Wars Celebration. The familiar imagery and characters sent chills down my spine with the grandiose music playing. Now that's how you do it. Thanks J.J. Abrams. Watch the trailer over and over as we are doing right now. 

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Zack Snyder Tweets Out New 'Batman v Superman' Tease & Announces Special IMAX Screenings for Trailer Reveal

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Henry Cavill image

The BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE trailer will finally be revealed Monday, April 20th at select IMAX theaters across the country, and fans are invited. Director Zack Synder tweeted out the announcement as well as a twenty-one second tease featuring the bat suit and Superman's outfit. We've booked our tickets for the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. Have you?

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SUICIDE SQUAD Cast Emerge in Group Shot and How Is Aquaman Involved

Suicide Squad Cast in Toronto 600

Thursday, SUICIDE SQUAD director David Ayer tweeted out a picture of the SUICIDE SQUAD cast during a table read in Toronto. This is the first look at the ensemble for the DC Comic book adaptation starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie (Focus), Jai Courtney (Insurgent, Terminator: Genisys), Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman (Robocop), Jim Parrack (True Blood), Adam Beach and countless others but missing from the image is the Joker Jared Leto. And how is Jason Momoa's Aquaman involved?

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The Force Will Be With You Everywhere Now with New Star Wars Movie Collection Digital Downloads

 Star Wars Movie Collection Download

All six Star Wars films come to Digital HD download April 10th with The Star Wars Digital Movie Collection which includes Episodes I to VI. Take a look at the trailer created for this momentous occasion as well as clips from our favorite Star Wars movie, Episode V aka The Empire Strikes Back. The new release also comes with bonus features which will have us busy for at least three weekends.

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FURIOUS 7 Taking Over Universal CityWalk


Universal CityWalk is celebrating the release of FURIOUS 7 with a takeover at their Universal City location with advance screenings and a full on experience of your need for speed. Props, race cars and original wardrobe from all seven films will be on display during your visit to the attraction while taking in the movie or the Fast & Furious Movie Marathon.

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