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New 'Rogue One' International Trailer Reveals Jyn's Mother

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RogueOne StarWars FelicityJones

A ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY international trailer for the Asian market provides new footage for ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY including a revelation of Jyn's (Felicity Jones) mother and a stone passed on to her that may play into the whole Jedi mythology.

"Trust the force" says Jyn's mother as she hands her a crystal before we assume is killed or taken away by the Empire in the new international trailer. The online community speculates the crystal is what lightsabers are made out which could mean that a possible Jedi still exists other than Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Aside from that new footage, the new preview has more action including battles scenes.

We are four weeks away from the December 16 release, and we hope it lives up to the trailers.

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