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Telekinetic Tantrum Caught on Tape

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How's this for punking someone?  The movie studio behind CARRIE punked these random folks so good in this must see video that pits them against a Carrie-like girl who starts having a telekinetic tantrum in a coffee shop.

Like the Hulk, you don't want to see Carrie mad. For those new to the story, Carrie is a shy girl outcast by her high school friends and sheltered by her deeply religious mother (Julianne Moore). The pressure and bullying leads to the 17-year-old unleashing her telekinetic terror on her small town during prom.  Starring Chloë Grace Moretz as Carrie White and Julianne Moore as the bible thumping mother. Watch movie trailer

Sony Pictures has been clever with their viral campaigns for the Stephen King remake of CARRIE. Last year they started promoting a 800 phone line that connects you with a live person presumably Carrie. All their efforts is for the movie's release October 18.

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