PAUL BLART MALL COP 2 New Movie Poster and Trailer: Vegas Trip

Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 Kevin James

Kevin James returns as the bumbling mall cop who saves the day, and in the sequel to PAUL BLART MALL COP, Paul attends a security guard conference in Las Vegas. The setting alone makes this one a winner, and the funny trailer looks like it may be better than the first one as he goes up against an evil version of an Ocean's Eleven group.

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Lucasfilm Ltd's Animated Musical STRANGE MAGIC Has a Release Date


George Lucas isn’t out of the movie business yet after selling his Star Wars franchise. From Lucasfilm Ltd., comes a new animated tale titled STRANGE MAGIC and a release date has been announced for January 23, 2015. Described as a "madcap fairy tale musical, the film feautures the voices of Alan Cumming ("The Good Wife"), Maya Rudolph, Evan Rachel Wood ("True Blood") and Kristen Chenoweth.

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Watch Disney’s MCFARLAND, USA Trailer Starring Kevin Costner


In yet another inspirational true story about an underdog team, Disney finally brings one featuring Latinos to the big screen with MCFARLAND, USA starring Kevin Costner. The new trailer is out, and Costner is a football coach who starts a cross-country team with underprivileged students from Central California.

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