The Best Movies on Netflix Right Now

The Best Movies on Netflix Right Now

In between all the original productions and straight-to-VOD titles, Nextflix has some of the best movies out there on its platform right now. The popular streaming service has become an institution for homes across the world, given its big selection of box-office hits and wide appeal to all members of the family. There’s truly something for everyone on there and much of the great content comes from their own in-house production team.

Sometimes, navigating services like Netflix can seem like a chore. If you’ve purged the library already then you’re probably stuck scrolling through repeats and all of the low-budget movies that flush out the main libraries. There’s a good chance, though, that you’ve missed a few great movies while scrolling or if you’re new to Netflix entirely, you need a good nudge in the right direction. Keep reading to see which movies are the best on Netflix right now.



Spiderman Into the Spiderverse

You might be thinking “yet another superhero movie”, or “yet another Spiderman movie”, at least. But arguably, SPIDERMAN: INTO THE SPIDERVERSE is the best of them all. Though it came out back in 2018, the movie has only recently graced our on-demand screens and will no doubt be here to stay for some time. It was a huge hit in the box office and went on to win big at the Golden Globes, Academy Awards, and the BAFTAs.

Without giving too much away, the plot centers around young Miles Morales after he's first bitten by the same radioactive spider as Peter Parker. After picking up Spiderman’s mantel, assuming these responsibilities proves difficult, though he does have a group of super friends to help him out. The movie stars Shameik Moore, Hailey Steinfeld, and even Nicolas Cage makes a more than memorable appearance. Visually, it’s definitely one of the most stunning movies to have graced the big screen in recent years, offering the perfect blend of lush, vibrant colors and NYC’s graffiti culture.



Uncut Gems

In the last 15 years or so, being a fan of Adam Sandler hasn’t exactly been easy. After the likes of HAPPY GILMORE and LITTLE NICKY, it’s fair to say that his movies went downhill and became rehashes of the same old gags and Sandler’s trademark speech impediment. Longest Yard was one of his last truly decent films but you might disagree if you enjoyed Zohan. Either way, Sandler has surprised all of us with his newest movie, UNCUT GEMS.

The movie is set in the bustling diamond district of New York City and charts the tumultuous life choices of a charismatic jeweler. His already enormous debt to loan sharks due to a serious gambling problem is made worse following a brush with an NBA star that shows interest in a rare black opal. This time, he truly risks it all and whether or not it pays off is up to you to find out.



Okja on Netflix

OKJA was a real tearjerker and provides an original take on the themes and topic of animal cruelty. The movie is just another amazing piece of work by the legendary South Korean director, Bong Joon-Ho, most recently known for the multi-award-winning Parasite, as well as OLD BOY and SNOWPIERCER. The main character, Mija, displays true bravery and courage on her adventure and the movie is a great example of big corporations meeting their match in the little guy.

The South Korean-American movie came out back in 2017 and is a wonderful story of a young girl taking on the impossible feat of getting home her super-bred pet pig, Okja. A rescue mission of this magnitude is seemingly too tough for a young girl from the mountains of South Korea, given that she’s up against a huge corporation intent on keeping her beloved companion. First-time watchers will either come away with a lump in their throat or a new perspective on the way we treat animals.


The Irishman on Netflix

Let’s be honest, we’ve all probably seen THE IRISHMAN, Martin Scorsese’s most recent crime drama. If you haven’t, you’re in for a real treat. THE IRISHMAN has all the trappings of a great Scorsese gangster movie but it also includes something we’ve never quite seen done before; at least not to the level you see in this movie. The incredibly realistic de-aging technology takes 20 years off De Niro, Pesce, and Pacino effortlessly, without sacrificing any picture quality.

Given Martin Scorsese’s recent comments about superhero films and the current state of cinema, you might think that he wouldn’t be too pleased working with Nextflix. But that couldn’t be further from the truth, and this is the only movie here in the list made exclusively for a Netflix release. The more than three-hour-long movie has the biggest budget of them all at almost $160 million, no doubt garnering a huge amount of subscriptions and revenue for Netflix.


Inception on Netflix

The best thing about having any Christopher Nolan movie on demand is the chance to watch them as many times as you like. INCEPTION is hands down one of the best movies of the decade and is just an example of the outstanding movies Nolan has made throughout his career. Time has flown since its 2010 release and both the movie and its soundtrack continue to turn heads. If you haven’t seen it, it comes with a surefire recommendation from critics. IMDb gives it an 8.8.

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