'Fear The Walking Dead' Producers were 'Nervous' to Ask Kim Dickens Back For Final Season and The Actress' Response

kim dickens fear the walking dead season 7

Kim Dickens returned as Madison to finish her story arc in the final two seasons of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. Kim tells CineMovie she was thrilled to be asked back although executive producers Ian Goldberg and Michael E. Satrazemis feared she would tell them to "fly a kite' before approaching her. The actress was very upset when her character was written off the show in season 4 but she says she was lifted by the support she received from her fans. 

 Dickens reprised her role as Madison Clark at the end of season 7. Going into the final season of FEAR THE WALKING DEAD, Madison will redeem herself for the wrongs of her past. 

FEAR THE WALKING DEAD premieres May 17 on AMC.

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