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Casa De Mi Padre: Will Farrell's Spanish Movie Trailer

In a first for the Anchorman and former Saturday Night Live star, Will Farrell spoofs a Mexican novela entirely in Spanish.  Will plays Armando Alvarez, a rachero (rancher) protecting his ranch and his woman from a drug dealer played by Gael Garcia Bernal.

Will calls it a "crazy Spanish language movie" directed by Matt Piedmont, a director who works on Will Farrell's website Funny or Die Presents. Will told CineMovie back in 2010 that he was "thrilled" to work on the foreign-language project but his claim to only know "poquito" Spanish will certainly be interesting to see but he pulls it off in this preview.  He added that his co-stars Diego and Gael were "two of the nicest guys" and "fantastic comedic actors." "It was a thrill for me to work with those guys," he further added. They could not have been better in the movie." CineMovie is very excited to see more of Will Farrell in his first Spanish role.


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