2012 In Review: Top 10 Searched Movie Stars


Emma Stone, Chris Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence, and Christian Bale return to IMDb's Top Stars list for 2012, but Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Hemsworth were the only two movie stars moving up the list for 2012.  The Hunger Games pushed Jennifer Lawrence's awareness from number seven to number two, beating out Emma Stone and Kristen Stewart as the most searched movie actresses on the movie website.

IMDb.com based their top ten list off actual page views for each actor. IMDb receives over 160 million unique visitors to the internet movie database (IMDb) website.  See top ten list below.

Surprisingly Channing Tatum, the break out star of 2012 with three hits (Magic Mike, The Vow, 21 Jump Street), didn't have the most page views among the male stars (# 6 on IMDb's top ten list). Joseph Gordon-Levitt had a good year as well appearing in four films in 2012 including The Dark Knight Rises, Looper, Lincoln, and Premium Rush. Both names are new to the list.  But it was Tom Hardy and Chris Hemsworth who beat out even Batman himself Christian Bale.  Another surprise was actor Josh Hutcherson sneaking into the number 9 spot although the actor had one hit with The Hunger Games, but apparently his name received lots of page views.

Johnny Depp's stardom never seems to wane as the veteran actor and oldest of the bunch remains in the top ten over the last few years, although he dropped down a few notches with less page views. 


Who's your favorite actor/actress of 2012?


IMDb’s Top 10 Stars of 2012
1. Tom Hardy
2. Jennifer Lawrence
3. Chris Hemsworth
4. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
5. Christian Bale
6. Channing Tatum
7. Johnny Depp
8. Emma Stone
9. Josh Hutcherson
10. Kristen Stewart

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