UPSIDE DOWN New Movie Poster and Trailer

Jim Sturgess and Kirsten Dunst are lovers from two worlds, literally, in the new film UPSIDE DOWN.  

Upside-Down-2012-Movie-PosterIn this strange world of UPSIDE DOWN, twinned worlds with gravities that pull in opposite directions keep lovebirds Adam and Eden from each other. In the trailer, the two meet as kids, but a forced separation keeps them apart for ten years until Adam breaks the rules and searches for Eden. Eden belongs to a world for the privileged while Adam's world is a working-class society.

Directed by Argentinian director Juan Diego Solanos, UPSIDE DOWN clearly another Romeo and Juliet love story with beautiful imagery.  The film is scheduled to open March 15, 2013.

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BLESS ME, ULTIMA New Trailer and Movie Poster

Hollywood director Carl Franklin (Out of Time, Devil in a Blue Dress, High Crimes) takes his talent to an indie film based on a controversial novel by Rudolfo Anaya with BLESS ME, ULTIMA

Bless-Me-Ultima-movie-posterBLESS ME, ULTIMA is a turbulent coming-of-age story about Antonio Marez (Luke Ganalon), a young boy growing up in New Mexico during World War II.  When a mysterious curandera named Ultima (Miriam Colon) comes to live with his family, she teaches him about the power of the spiritual world.  As their relationship grows, Antonio begins to question the strict Catholic doctrine that he has been taught by his parents (Dolores Heredia & Benito Martinez).  Through a series of mysterious and at times terrifying events Antonio must grapple with questions about his own destiny, the relationship between good vs. evil and ultimately how to reconcile Ultima’s powers with those of the God of his church.

BLESS ME, ULTIMA opens in theaters February 22, 2013.

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THE CROODS New Movie Trailer and Poster


Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Catherine Keener, and, Cloris Leachman are hairy caveman in the new animated comedy, THE CROODS. Watch a preview of the A-listers voice over work opening March 22, 2013.

The-Croods-movie-posterTHE CROODS is a 3D comedy adventure that follows the world's first modern family as they embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always been their home, is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods are rocked by generational clashes and seismic shifts as they discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures -- and their outlook is changed forever.

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