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Favorite Super Bowl Movie Spots

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The Baltimore Ravens may be the Super Bowl XLVII champions, but the real winners are CBS and NFL with the billions of dollars they made for the commercials specifically for the movie spots.  Which movie preview was your favorite during game day?

Disney’s The Lone Ranger was one of the first film previews during the pre-game, followed by Disney’s other big budget film of 2013, Oz: The Great and Powerful during game time.  Brad Pitt's World War Z was also previewed early in the game.

Star Trek Into The Darkness got its first big reveal on YouTube earlier in the day, but watching it on a big screen was a lot more potent. Speaking of potent, the Fast & Furious 6 first look brought out the big guns with some exciting action for the sixth film in the series.  Dwayne Johnson’s Snitch also got the Super Bowl treatment for his action flick.  

Watch the Super Bowl spots below and vote.

Which one was your favorite?

Wold War Z

The Lone Ranger


Star Trek Into The Darkness

Fast & Furious 6


Iron Man 3

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