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Christian Bale, Jeremy Renner, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence look pimping hot as characters from the 70s in the new preview to David O. Russell's AMERICAN HUSTLE.

David O. Russell brings together his Silver Linings Playbook and The Fighter leads for another compelling film in AMERICAN HUSTLE. In the new movie preview for the 70s set film, Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence hustle up some really bad 70s outfits to portray shady characters.  Check out the fro and tan on Bradley Cooper with Bales' awful comb over.  The women's costumes aren't' as pimping, but they certainly capture the party girl of the disco era.

In AMERICAN HUSTLE, Bradley Cooper is an FBI agent Richie DiMaso who recruits con man Irving Rosenfield (Bale) and his sexy British partner Sydney Prosser (Adams) into the world of Jersey powerhouses and mafia. Jennifer Lawrence's character is a hot mess as Irving's wife who may bring the whole operation down. Jeremy Renner  also dons polyester for his role as Carmine Polito, a New Jersey political operator stuck in between the con-artists and the Feds.

AMERICAN HUSTLE opens December 25, 2013.  A new movie poster for the David O. Russell film has yet to be released.

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