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The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Eight-Minute Clip Preview

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Rooney Mara and Daniel Draig The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo  Credit: Columbia Pictures

After watching an eight-minute clip of David Fincher's THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, I may now sigh with relief. It looks like they are getting it right.

The eight-minute clip was previewed prior to a press screening Brad Pitt's Moneyball Thursday night. The visuals for the Americanized version of Steig Larson's best-seller, has that cold arctic feel of the original film and Rooney Mara's Lisbeth Salander appears as edgy and fierce as Noomi Rapace did. I actually think she looks more alienated and alone than Noomi and in the scene with her parole officer she seems to be revolted and angry, yet very vulnerable and victimized. The clip packed a lot of information into it and we see how Lisbeth enters Mikael Blomkvist's life (Daniel Craig) and we also see him meeting Christopher Plummer's Henrik Vanger who hires the writer to research his family. The film is remaining very faithful to the Danish series.

I think the fans will be pleased. The graphic scenes were not shown in the clip so we'll have to wait to see if it retains its European edge. But from what I saw I am very encouraged. It looks like a great film.

THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO will be released in movie theaters December 21, 2011.

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