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New Movie Poster and Trailer: Tim Roth Stars in Mexican Film 600 Millas

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600 Millas Tim Roth

Tim Roth (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs) has crossed the border to work in what is being hailed as the Mexican New Wave movement in film. First he starred in Michel Franco's Chronic, and next he'll be appearing in Gabriel Ripstein's (Pulling Strings) 600 Millas, a drama set against gun smuggling from the U.S. into Mexico. Watch the trailer.

600 MILLAS stars Roth and Krystian Ferrer (Buen Dia, Ramon, Sin Nombre) who plays Arnulfo Rubio, a young gun trafficker between the United States and Mexico, is being followed by ATF agent Hank Harris.  After a risky mistake by Harris, Rubio makes a desperate decision: he smuggles the agent into Mexico.  And while these two apparent enemies slowly connect, they reach a dangerous place.  And the only way out will be by trusting each other.

Tim Roth told Variety, his love affair with Mexican cinema began at Cannes as jury president in 2012 after watching Michel Franco's After Lucia. He approached Franco about working on his next film. Next, Roth is looking to direct his own films in Mexico in Spanish. 

Roth can next be seen in Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight on December 25.


Spanish Version: Arnulfo Rubio, un joven traficante de armas entre Estados Unidos y México, es perseguido por el agente Hank Harris del Buro del Control De Armas (ATF). Después de que Harris ha cometido un grave error, Rubio toma una decisión desesperada: llevar al agente de contrabando a México. Y mientras estos dos aparentes enemigos lentamente conectan, llegan a un lugar altamente peligroso y la única forma de salir de este, es confiando en ellos mismos.

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