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Ray Liotta Corrupts New Rookie Channing Tatum (Video)

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Channing Tatum stars Son Of No One

Corrupt cop Ray Liotta shows rookie cop Channing Tatum the ropes in this clip from THE SON OF NO ONE.  Al Pacino, Juliette Binoche, Katie Holmes and Tracy Morgan also star in the cop drama.

Channing Tatum plays a young cop assigned to a precinct in his old Queens neighborhood. The married father of an ailing daughter, he works hard to keep his life on track. Can he stay on track with a corrupt police force influencing his every move that could spell danger for the rookie cop.  When a possible police cover-up involves old unsolved murders surfaces,  it hits too close for Tatum.

Channing Tatum reunites with his FIGHTER director Dito Montiel (A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints) for THE SON OF NO ONE which was acquired at 2011's Sundance Film Festival.

THE SON OF NO ONE is in movie theaters November 4, 2011.


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