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Robert Rodriguez Bringing Back Smell-O-Vision For Spy Kids 4D

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Jessica Alba and Jeremy Piven in Spy Kids 4

Robert Rodriguez is the go-to-guy for over the top movie-going experienc. The director's fourth Spy Kids outing in 4D will be enhancing your viewing pleasure with Aromascope.

SPY KIDS: ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD will be taking you to a new dimension with 4D and bringing back a new form of smell-o-vision to movie theaters. Calling it Aromascope, the fourth film in the Spy Kids franchise will be the first to introduce viewers with 8 special opportunities to access the action interactively through your nose. When you buy your tickets, everyone will each receive Aromascope card that is free of charge with easy to read numbers outlined.  As the numbers flash on the movie screen the audience will rub the corresponding number on their card.

"Families are going to love the interactivity of this new addition to the movie going experience.   And best of all, you won't have to pay extra for 4D Aromascope, which will be provided to every theater whether it be 2D or 3D,” said Robert Rodriguez.

Let's hope the movie doesn't stink.

SPY KIDS: ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD IN 4D opens in theaters nationwide August 19th.

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