Daryl Hannah and Naveen Andrews Talk New Wachowski Netflix Series Sense8

SENSE8's Daryl Hannah and Naveen Andrews interview

Daryl Hannah (Kill Bill) and Naveen Andrews ("Lost") make the jump to the digital space with a new Netflix series co-created and directed by Lana and Andy Washowski. CineMovie sat down with the SENSE8 stars and their co-stars Jamie Clayton and Brian J. Smith to talk about the new show which shot around the world in nine cities, their viewing preferences and why the set was liberating working outside the network and studio system.

Premiering June 5 on Netflix, SENSE8 is about eight people connected all around the world who, after experiencing a violent vision are able to see, feel, hear and talk to each other as if they were in the same place. These gifted individuals are now being hunted by an organization out to capture, kill or vivisect them.

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