Finn Wolfhard Contributed A Song For 'The Turning' Soundtrack

Finn Wolfhard The Turning

Finn Wolfhard not only stars in the horror thriller, THE TURNING but the actor who also moonlights as a musician contributed an original song to the soundtrack. The movie's director Floria Sigismondi and the soundtrack's producer Lawrence Rothman talk about Finn's talent. Watch Finn's new music video, "Getting Better (Otherwise) from the film.  

The "Stranger Things" star is in high demand since breaking out on the Netlfix series. Now starring in THE TURNING after appearing in both IT movies, the 17-year-old teamed up with THE TURNING's music producer for the soundtrack. Both the film's director and music producer talk to CineMovie about Finn's talent in front of the camera and as a front man for his band, The Aubreys.

'The Turning' Star Finn Wolfhard Helped On Screen Little Sister Brooklynn Prince Feel Better

 THE TURNING is now playing in movie theaters. 

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