GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY's Michael Rooker Interview: 'Wow This is Cool'


Getting killed off on "The Walking Dead" wasn't such a bad thing for Michael Rooker. Rooker is now part of another popular franchise as Yondu in Marvel's GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, and he's talking about why it's so cool to be part of the Marvel universe in CineMovie's Q&A with the actor.

Michael-Rooker-CineMovie-interviewHow have you been dealing with this new fan base?
Michael Rooker: The Marvel fan base is massive. I have a lot of "Walking Dead" fans that I'm dealing with right now, so that's plenty. Now that the whole Marvel universe, Marvel Galaxy is starting to blossom and when this comes out its going to be crazy, crazy!


What was the coolest part about being part of the Marvel family?
Michael: Getting to play Yondu, getting to be his...what a fabulous role. I was like 'wow this is cool.'


Were you well-versed with this comic book?
Michael: I was not well-versed but I knew about it. Then when they said they were going to do it, I didn't know which one they were going to do. Then James Gunn wrote the role for me and he said you're Yondu. Then I said which one is this? Then I found out that it's based off the British modern version of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.


When you got the part were you able to celebrate or did you have to keep quiet?
Michael: I couldn't tell anybody anything. No but I could tell people I'm in the piece and who I am but I couldn't give details. It was like a continuation of my attitude as Merrill on "Walking Dead." I couldn't say anything about Merrill and anything about the show. So the last three seasons I've been very tight lipped. A man of little words or don't even answer the question and just change the subject. A lot of the times I wouldn't say I can't answer and I just flip it on them.


So where would you like to see Yondu go in the next installation?
Michael: It would be nice to have more Yondu. Almost anything. Almost any story plot line you want to bring up would be kind of cool as long as there is more Yondu. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot in this film and it was cool. It could have been more but it was cool to have what I had because it was just enough to really wet your appetite and just wanting more.


How was it being all blue?
Michael: You know what, I forgot all about it. After a while you forget about the coloring and stuff, you really don't see yourself. You see your hands and stuff. I did a film called Slither and that was seven hours of makeup this one all total in makeup and wardrobe and a little break for a meal and then more makeup, so all total it was about five hours. The teeth were also awesome, they were great.


Did you, David Bautista, and Zoe Saldana talk about who had it the worst?
Michael: David I think had it the worst. He actually had to stand up and have them do all that stuff (gesturing with arms open) and plus it's all over his body. I wasn't just one color, there were about six different layers of color, it was really very intricate. There were different blues and golds and metallic.


Was it difficult at the end of the day to take it off?
Michael: It came off simple. I would just get the makeup remover and just wipe it off. We would get the prosthetic piece off of my head first, then all the scaring has to come off. Its a mess and took forty five minutes to an hour to take off. It was like having a facial everyday.


Your character is not entirely bad nor good, how did you approach it? You're basically a kidnapper.
Michael: That's what I do. I come down and grab this kid and take him somewhere else. I think I saved the kid and he ends up in a much better place because he hangs out with me. Where I'm about to take him could be a really bad place. I keep the kid because I think he reminds me of myself. I also liked how he had the balls to stand up to all these alien creatures that want to eat him. He's got something. You know he's tough. He sees himself in this kid and decided that he's keeping him.


How was it working with Chris Pratt and playing this reluctant father figure?
Michael: We were shooting this scene and he said just hit me a little more. So then I gave him a little bit more and I caught him. I must have caught him when he was breathing in. Then in the slapping scene he really wanted me to slap him. He wanted me to really slap him and really punch him. I think the punch was harder then the slap. It was really easy to hit him too, he wanted to be hurt. He liked it. He likes to play it up but I think he'll never ask me to hit him harder again.


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