'Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio' Stars Talk About The Domestic Violence She Endured

Jenni Rivera Mariposa de Barrio stars Samadhi Zendejas Gabriel Porras

Everyone knows the rags-to-riches story of Jenni Rivera, la Diva de la Banda, and the personal struggles she overcame, but Telemundo’s new series JENNI RIVERA: MARIPOSA DE BARRIO premiering Tuesday, June 27 at 8 pm/7c gives fans more insight into her turbulent early years from childhood, a teen mom with an abusive husband to the superstar she became. The series focuses on the woman behind the music, and it’s not always pretty. Mexican actress Samadhi Zendejas portrays Jenni as a teen mom and wife while actor Gabriel Porras plays her father. Both actors talks about the importance of not only telling Jenni Rivera’s story, but that of a woman who could be anyone.

Starring Angélica Celaya (Burn Notice, Dallas, Castle, Constantine) as Jenni the artist, the series is based on the true story of La Diva de la Banda Jenni Rivera, as it follows her in her life-long pursuit for fame and happiness.  The Telemundo production offers an autobiographical tale from her birth until her unexpected and tragic death on December of 2012.  An original script - based on her book “Inquebrantable” as well as on unpublished testimonies from her family, close friends and associates – shows the many sides of Jenni as a daughter, mother, wife, lover and emblematic artist.
Born and raised in Long Beach, CA to Mexican parents, Jenni Rivera became the most important female figure and top selling female artist in the Mexican music genre.  At the onset of her musical career, she was told many times she would not make it.  At that time and still today, the regional Mexican music was and is dominated by men.
Her recordings often had themes of social issues, infidelity, and relationships. In addition to her passion for music, she was active in her community and donated her time to civic causes. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence appointed her its spokesperson in the United States. A proclamation was given "officially naming" August 6 “Jenni Rivera Day” by the Los Angeles City Council for all her charity work and community involvement.
Rivera earned straight A's in school until her sophomore year, when at 15 she became pregnant with the first of her five children, Janney "Chiquis" Marín-Rivera .  She supported her children by selling CDs at flea markets , while working toward her GED at a continuation school and graduating as class valedictorian .   She later attended California State University , and obtained a college degree in business administration and worked in real estate before going to work for her father's record label.
A highly determined woman, Rivera was admired by millions for her strength, determination and candor. She sold more than 20 million records worldwide and was awarded 22 Billboard Latin Music Awards, 11 Billboard Mexican Music  Awards and two Billboard Music Awards throughout her career. Her life was cut short in a tragic plane crash on December 9, 2012.

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