Zoe Saldana Disliked Shooting on This 'Star Trek Beyond' Set

Chris Pine Zoe Saldana Simon Pegg Star Trek Beyond

In STAR TREK BEYOND, the crew is stranded on an alien planet under the rule of Krull (Idris Elba), and the Enterprise crew are split into pairs to survive. A rock quarry in Vancouver, Canada stood in for the planet Altamid. When CineMovie asked the STAR TREK BEYOND actors if they enjoyed taking the action to an alien planet, star Zoe Saldana explains why she prefers the comforts of a clean space ship to the dust bowl. John Cho, on the other hand, enjoyed being paired off with Saldana, and getting in some action off the bridge.

Watch Zoe Saldana's reaction to the question, and her cast mates Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Karl Urban chimed in on the experience of shooting in the dust bowl.

STAR TREK BEYOND is in movie theaters July 22.

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