Kuno Becker Takes Fans Out to Dinner


While promoting his directorial debut with PANIC 5 BRAVO, some lucky fans won a chance to dine with the Mexican actor and his co-star Aurora Papile in Los Angeles.

On Tuesday, November 25th four lucky winners/fans from TVezLA in Los Angeles were treated to an intimate dinner with Mexican Actor Kuno Becker and Aurora Papile from the upcoming film “Panic 5 Bravo,” which opens on Friday, December 5th, 2014. The dinner was sponsored by Frida Restaurant and held at their Westwood location.

The winners, all whom are long-time fans of Becker shared endless laughs, anecdotes, countless photos and a selection of tasty dishes that made this an unforgettable night for all.

Becker and Papile have been heavily promoting their new film for the past several months and this event was designed as a more personal experience to give back to their devoted fans and allow them to be the stars of the night.

The night ended with big hugs and a group photo that will without a doubt end up framed and treasured by each of the winners.


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