Movie Reviews & Clip: Russell Brand Forced to Propose to Jennifer Garner in 'Arthur'

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Russell Brand stars as Arthur, the loveable alchohic originally played by Dudley Moore in the 1981 film by the same name.  Jennifer Garner is the seductress after Arthur's family name.

In this fresh new look at a classic story, Russell Brand reinvents the role of loveable billionaire Arthur Bach, an irresponsible charmer who has always relied on two things to get by: his limitless fortune and the good sense of his lifelong nanny and best friend Hobson (Helen Mirren), to keep him out of trouble.

Movie Clip: Russell Brand & Luis Guzman Are Batman & Robin In ARTHUR

To keep his fortune, Arthur is forced to propose to Susan played by Jennifer Garner.  In this scene from ARTHUR, Susan and Arthur dine in a posh restaurant where Arthur is suppose to propose but Arthur keeps backing down.  Susan won't settle for anything less than a engagement ring on her finger.

Kind-hearted, fun-loving, and utterly without purpose, Arthur spends every day in the heedless pursuit of amusement. But when his unpredictable public image threatens the staid reputation of the family foundation, Bach Worldwide, he is given an ultimatum: marry the beautiful but decidedly unlovable Susan Johnson, an ambitious corporate exec who can keep him in line, or say goodbye to his billion-dollar inheritance and the only way of life he knows.

ARTHUR is in movie theaters April 8, 2011.

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