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5 Things We Learned about 'Spider-Man Homecoming' From Comic Con Including Zendaya's Role

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Spider Man Homecoming ComicCon2016 cast

Although SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING recently began production, Marvel surprised San Diego Comic Con fans and press with footage from SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING along with a few more revelations in Hall H including appearances by Spider-Man himself Tom Holland and his co-stars.

1. Storyline Revealed

Director Jon Watts revealed during the Hall H panel that the focus of the new Spider-Man will be more of a teenage drama as Peter Parker not only comes into his super powers, but his teenage years full of angst and puberty. Panel host Chris Hardwick joked SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING will get the John Hughes treatment. In the footage shown at San Diego’s Comic Con, a scene reveals Peter Parker as a lovelorn teenager pining for fellow school mate played by Laura Harrier.  


2. Parker’s Squad

Unlike previous Spider-Man movies, Peter Parker is not a loner. He’s still not popular in high school, but this time he’s got comedy relief in his school mate played by Jacob Battalion and Zendaya's character. Read more about her character in #5.


3. Villain Revealed

After the high school scene, we see the web-slinger in all his glory with laser-beamed gadgets courtesy of Tony Stark we presume. For the finale, concept art of Vulture ends the exclusive footage. Michael Keaton is rumored to be playing the villain of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, and now it seems we have the antagonist.

Spider-Man Homecoming Concept Art Vulture

4. Title Treatment Revealed

Marvel revealed the new title treatment for the new movie which echoes the lightheartedness of the film described as a high school drama.

Spiderman Homecoming Logo Treatment

5. Zendaya’s Role

The former Disney Channel star will be playing a tomboyish school mate to Peter Parker, who speaks her mind and seems to have a chip on her shoulder.

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