
Coming Soon

Meet 'The Suicide Squad' Characters

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The Suicide Squad Idris Elba Bloodshot

At the DC Fandome event Saturday afternoon, writer/director James Gunn (GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) revealed the complete list of characters appearing in THE SUICIDE SQUAD.  See the full list below. 

Returning cast members include Viola Davis, Joel Kinnamen, Margot Robbie and Jai Courtney along with new actors and characters that are new to the cinematic adaptation. The biggest surprise is Harley Quinn is actually fully clothed this time in a head to toe leather suit. Check out the complete list below. 

In addition to the characters reveal, the first look behind the scenes was also revealed. Gunn reveals he's currently in the editing phase for the film that's scheduled for 2021. 

THE SUICIDE SQUAD Returning and New Characters

Viola Davis Amanda Waller
Joel Kinnamen  Col. Rick Flag
Margo Robbie Harley Quinn
Jai Courtney Captain Boomerang
Idris Elba Bloodshot
Nathan Fillion TDK
Peter Capaldi Thinker
John Cena Peacemaker
Flula Borg Javelin 
David Dastmalchian Polka Dot Man
Michael Rooker Savant
Mayling NG Mongal
Alicia Braga  Solsoria
Pete Davidson Blackguard
Sean Gunn Weasel 
Storm Reid Tyla
Joaquin Cosio General Mateo Suarez
Jennifer Holland Emilia Harcourt
Juan Diego Botto Luna
Daniel Melchior Ratcatcher 2






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