Movie Review: 'Padre No Hay Mas Que Uno' is a Hilarious Spanish Comedy

Padre No Hay Mas Que Uno

The 2019 Spanish hit from popular filmmaker Santiago Segura is now available on VOD, and it's a hilarious family comedy in the vein of MR. MOM (1983). PADRE NO HAY MÁS QUE UNO stars Santiago Segura as a husband and father of five who encourages his wife to take a vacation away from the family. He assures her he can handle the children along with his 9 to 5. When he gets in over his head, hilarity ensues.

PADRE NO HAY MÁS QUE UNO ("There's Only One Father") was a huge hit at the Spanish box office in 2019. The family comedy is directed and stars Spanish filmmaker, actor, writer and tv personality Santiago Segura. He's known for his breakout hit TORRENTE which spawned four sequels and went on to become the highest grossing Spanish film series. American audiences may recognize him from Guillermo Del Toro's films like PACIFIC RIM, HELLBOY, HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY and BLADE II.

PADRE NO HAY MÁS QUE UNO doesn't reinvent the family comedy, but it's entertaining and hilarious. What is refreshing is seeing a Spanish-speaking family on the screen. Regardless of the language, every parent will relate to those situations even the absurd ones with the children. The ridiculousness of the micromanaging school moms are also a source of comedy as they always have been in this genre (ie. BAD MOMS.)  The children are both endearing and annoying, however,  the older children often have good advice for their clueless father.  

Foreign family comedies don't usually translate well in other markets, but PADRE NO HAY MÁS QUE UNO is a universal comedy about parenting - a language everyone understands. For American Latinx, the Spanish humor translates although you may need the subtitles for words particular to that culture. It's a great option for a Spanish-speaking family.

En Español

PADRE NO HAY MÁS QUE UNO esta disponible en VOD ahora. No te la pierdas. Es una película muy divertido y chistosa. Es una entrañable comedia ligera para pasar un buen rato con situaciones muy reconocibles para los padres de hoy en día. 

Javier, un padre adicto al trabajo que ni sabe realizar tareas domésticas ni cuidar a los niños, se ve obligado a quedarse solo en casa con sus cinco hijos cuando su esposa Carmen decide irse sin él de viaje. Santiago Segura dirige y protagoniza Padre No Hay Más Que Uno. La película debutó en España en 2019, donde se convirtió en la cinta local más taquillera del año con una recaudación de 15.9 millones de dólares.


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