'My Penguin Friend' Movie Review: A Sweet-Natured Love Story

Jean Reno Adriana Barraza in My Penguin Friend Roadside Attractions 

French actor Jean Reno and Mexican actress Adriana Barraza star in the true story of a Brazilian man who nurses a penguin back to health, who then repays him by visiting him every year, traveling 5000 miles from his habitat to see his human friend. MY PENGUIN FRIEND is a joyous, moving, sweet-natured film suitable for the whole family.

In 2011, a grieving father rescues a dying penguin drenched in oil off the coast of Brazil. To his wife’s (Barraza) dismay, he takes the penguin under his wing until he's ready to rejoin his colony 5000 miles away off the coast of Argentina. However, DinDim the Penguin returns every year to visit the elderly couple.

Inspired by the true story of DinDim the Penguin, the movie is written by Paulina Lagudi and Kristen Lazarian and directed by David Schurmann (. Pereira de Souza, the actual person, was a bricklayer but for the movie's purposes, Reno's João is a fisherman. The story is also told from DinDim's perspective during his back-and-forth adventure between the two locations.

The bond between João and the adorable creature is simply moving and joyous. The story is filled with many endearing moments among perilous episodes for the little penguin.

Reno is heartbreaking as João who can't move past a tragedy, but his friendship with DinDim mends his broken heart. Barraza also delivers as the emotionally stable person in the relationship.

Animal lovers will take joy in watching this love story unfold, and shed some tears in the process.

Take the whole family to see MY PENGUIN FRIEND, now playing in movie theaters.

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