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Why You Should See GI Joe

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GI Joe finally comes to the big screen in GI JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA starring Channing Tatum (Step Up, Public Enemies), Marlon Wayans (White Chicks, Scary Movie), Sienna Miller, Dennis Quaid, and Ray Parks (Star Wars: Phantom Menace, X-Men) August 7th at the movies. 

CineMovie was at the Hollywood premiere to find out from the cast why you should go to the movies and catch the high-octane action flick.  Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans, Rachel Nichols (Star Trek), Adewale akinnuoye-Agbaje (Lost) and others break it down for you.  Watch!

Tatum Vs. Wayans: Whose Got The Best Kung Fu Grip?

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