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Actor Miguel Angel Silvestre Talks Narcos Season 3 And Sense8 Finale

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SENSE8’s Miguel Angel Silvestre is not your average money launderer on Netflix’s Season 3 of NARCOS.  The handsome Spanish-born actor commits white collar crimes in a suit on the riveting series that finds him working for the Cali Cartel. Based on the actual person, Silvestre reveals he knew very little about the money launderer since his family refused to participate or offer any personal information about him.

As we know from countless stories about the mob and drug cartel movies and television series, one way to bring down the criminal network is by nabbing the accountant. Miguel Angel Silvestre is just one of the targets in NARCOS Season 3 as the Cali Cartel’s money launderer, Franklin Jurado.

NARCOS Season 3 leaves Medellin behind as the bloody hunt for Pablo Escobar has ended. Pedro Pascal’s Agent Peña and the DEA turn its attention to the richest drug trafficking organization in the world: the Cali Cartel. Led by four powerful godfathers, this cartel operates much differently than Escobar’s, preferring to bribe government officials and keep its violent actions out of the headlines.

Miguel Angel Silvestre, who also stars in Netflix’s SENSE8 was a fan of the show so when he landed the role he was excited.

“When Netflix called me, I was down for it and wanted be part of it,” says the actor.

Franklin Jurado is a debonair, jet-setting businessman who avoids the bloodshed as an employee for the drug cartel. To play this actual person, Silvestre relied on the producers and writers for information on the man. His family wanted no part in the Netflix series. What they did know was that Jurado was groomed as the Cali Cartel’s accountant since childhood. Silvestre tells CineMovie Jurado was an orphan in Colombia when he was discovered by the cartel after winning a mathematics contest. The Cali drug lords took him under their wing and sent him off to study at Harvard. There he studied economics and earned two degrees before returning to work for the four Cali godfathers.

Silvestre believes Jurado was trapped in this world, and had no other choice but to work for the Cali Cartel.

“He entered that world that he could not escape from,” surmises the actor.

One of the other perks in landing the role in NARCOS Season 3 was working with Pedro Pascal.  “That’s one of the things I was excited about,” says the

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Up next for Miguel Angel Silvestre is wrapping up the finale to another Netflix series, SENSE8. At the time of this interview, he was readying to join the production. He reveals Lana Wachowski has very special plans to satisfy fans.

“Lana is going to do something very special for this ending. She’ll definitely be writing her best. She’s very attached. The show speaks about her and I can’t wait to read the new 2 episodes. I think she’ll give a great finale because the fans deserve it.”  

It was fans who prompted Netflix to rethink their cancellation of the series after only two seasons. The Wachowski’s will wrap the show with a feature-length film that will give SENSE8 a proper send off. Silvestre appreciates the fans persistence.

“Thanks to them, we’re going to be doing it. They were the ones that brought life back to the SENSE8 so we’ll see.”

The SENSE8 finale is scheduled for sometime in 2018. For now, catch him on Season 3 of NARCOS, currently streaming on Netflix.

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