Zombies Transform Into To 'Warm Bodies" Movie Trailer


Zombies go where no zombie haves gone before - back to life. WARM BODIES goes for laughs as the walking dead come back to life because of love. Sounds ridiculous, but the trailer to the new comedy actually looks interesting.

Talk about beauty and the beast. This beast is dead, but somehow he falls in love with a human and begins transforming back into a living breathing mortal.  The film stars Nicholas Hoult as R the zombie who narrates the hilarious trailer. I Am Number Four's Teresa Palmer is the love interest. John Malkovich and Childrens Hospital's Rob Corddry also star.

Zombie comedies like Sean of the Dead and Zombieland are nothing new but a zombie as the lead is a first. In the preview, R narrates his story, and you see his gradual turn back into a living breathing human.  While R and his buddy zombie M (Corddry) are flesh-eaters, the real threat seem to be the skeletal zombies with no feelings.  When some of the zombies begin to transform, they get in on the action of killing the skeletons.  Weird plot but it may just work when it opens Feburary 1, 2013.

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