Director Jaume Collet-Serra Says 'The Commuter' Is Sequel To Non-Stop

The Commuter Director Jaume Collet Serra Clara Lago

If you're thinking the new action thriller, THE COMMUTER sounds like the same premise from NON-STOP also directed by Spanish filmmaker Jaume Collet-Serra and starring Liam Neeson, it is. CineMovie's Valentina Patruno sat down with the director and THE COMMUTER actress Clara Lago to discuss how the film came to be and why he's fascinated with public transportation as a setting.


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'The X-Files' Star Mitch Pileggi On Whether The Season Finale Will Satisfy Fans

 XFiles Season 11 Mitch Pileggi

“The X-Files” is back for Season 11 with Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Mulder (David Duchovny) on a quest to find their son William and save the human race. Chris Carter hopefully solves the mystery by the season finale of the iconic show since Gillian Anderson announced her retirement from the series last week.  “X-Files” star Mitch Pileggi revealed whether this season finale will leave fans with a satisfying ending.


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Meet One Of The Stars of Netflix's 'Altered Carbon' Actress Martha Higareda

altered carbon martha higareda joel kinnaman

ALTERED CARBON star Martha Higareda talks about the new Netflix series and who she plays in the sci-fi series also starring Joel Kinnaman. Based on the 2002 hardboiled cyberpunk science fiction novel by Richard K. Morgan, the streaming service adapted it for the small screen. The Mexican actress gives us a behind the scenes look and reveals whether the series will continue the story in subsequent seasons.


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'Downsizing's' Scene-Stealing Actress Hong Chau Defends Her Interpretation Of Refugee Character

Downsizing Matt Damon Hong Chau

Don’t be fooled by the marketing for DOWNSIZING. Kristin Wiig is not the leading lady of Alexander Payne’s latest quirky comedy, DOWNSIZING. That job went to newcomer Hong Chau who plays Vietnamese refuge Ngoc Lan Tran and she steals the show. Chau is playing a leading lady rarely seen in a Hollywood movie -- a character speaking broken English with a thick accent. For her performance as a Vietnamese refugee, Hong Chau received a Golden Globe, SAG, and Critic’s Choice nomination. However, at a recent press conference she found herself defending her choice in playing the character.


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John Cena Talks Animated Role in 'Ferdinand' & 'Bumblebee' Movie

John Cena Ferdinand movie interview

John Cena takes the bull by the horns as the voice of Ferdinand the bull in Blue Sky Studios' (ICE AGE) animated family film, FERDINAND. John Cena knows a thing or two about performing in the ring so the tough-looking guy was a perfect match to play kind-hearted bull who wants to smell the flowers instead of being in the bull fighting ring. The WWE wrestler and actor talked to CineMovie about his animated role, and his next role in the TRANSFORMERS spinoff, Bumblebee.


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'Bright' Movie Premiere: Will Smith, Electronic Duo Grey & SFX Team Talk Movie At Black Carpet Event

Will Smith Bright premiere interview2

Will Smith talks about the Netflix movie, BRIGHT at the black carpet movie premiere. CineMovie's also talking to the electronic duo Grey who contributed a song to the BRIGHT soundtrack. The special effects team behind the Orcs in the movie also discuss what went into transforming Joel Edgerton into the humanoid creature.

BRIGHT starts streaming on Netflix on Friday, December 22.


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