Oscar Winner: Daniel Day-Lewis Wins For LINCOLN Role

Who wore the pants in the Lincoln family?  Judging from this clip from Steven Spielberg's LINCOLN starring Daniel Day Lewis and Sally Field, Mrs. Lincoln laid down the law.

The revealing drama focuses on the 16th President’s tumultuous final months in office as he tries to unite a nation divided by civil war and slavery. Every person knows the history of Abraham Lincoln and his accomplishment in freeing the slaves, but you don't learn about Mary Todd in history class. Turns out Mary Todd Lincoln had a great influence on her husband, and bust his balls about his mission as seen in this clip.

Sally Field plays a much older Mary Todd during that time , and 10 years senior to Daniel Day-Lewis, but she won over the role by convincing director Steven Spielberg she was right for the role.  With Daniel Day-Lewis' transformation into honest Abe, the difference is not as visible. Her performance is getting notice by critics for her first starring movie role.

LINCOLN is now playing in movie theaters.

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