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Spike Jonze's HER New Movie Poster & Trailer

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It's been awhile since we've seen a feature film from Spike Jonze, but he's back with a touching film about a man (Joaquin Phoenix) who falls for a computer generated voice (Scarlett Johansson) in HER. Check out the new preview to HER and movie poster.


Set in the not so distant future, imagine Siri's voice sounding like Scarlet Johannson. Who wouldn't fall for that? In the trailer, Joaquin finally plays a vulnerable (not creepy) man left devastated by a break up. We're used to Phoenix as disturbed characters so it's refreshing to watch him as a softie.

His character Theodore Twombly writes touching, personal letters for other people. After his long term relationship ends, he becomes intrigued by a new, advanced operating system named "Samantha," a bright, female vice who understands him and makes him laugh. Each computer program delivers unique sentiment to individual users. As her needs and desires grow, in tandem with his own, their friendship deepens into an eventual love for each other.


The subject matter could easily go rated X we imagine, but the HER preview strikes as an innocent love story. Can't wait to see how this ends when it opens November 20, 2013.

Ironically, Joaquin Phoenix graces the movie poster for HER.  The Spike Jonze film also stars Amy Adams, Rooney Mara and Olivia Wilde.

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