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Star Trek Into Darkness New International Movie Trailer

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Paramount has released a new international trailer for STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS with additional footage and loaded with action.  Watch the new preview.

Given all the previews, we definitely know the villain is not from outer space but within the ranks of their own organization. Many speculated the villain would be Khan. Benedict Cumberbatch plays the traitor from the British division of the Federation. We haven't had much information about the new character but in this preview, we learn he was a "top agent" and his motivation for destruction of human lives and cities. In the international trailer, the traitor says he is motivated by a crime by his commanders that he can't forgive.  

Captain Kirk, vowing revenge, volunteers his crew of The Enterprise to go after the mad men who killed innocent victims in the name of revenge.  The action takes place on Earth and in space which leads to a high body count. The trailer ends with an nary crash of a starship into Alcatraz island and San Francisco Bay worthy of a disaster movie.

STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS opens early on IMAX 3D screens May 15th and everywhere Friday, May 17th.

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