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UNBROKEN New Movie Poster, Trailer & Social Movement

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Angelina Jolie’s second directorial debut UNBROKEN has two new movie posters and a new trailer. Along with the new preview, Universal Pictures launched a social movement using the hashtag #IAmUnbroken inspiring people to share their own stories of adversary, but nothing compares to the movie’s hero Louis Zamperini’s story of survival during World War II.

Unbroken movies posters2Opening December 24th, UNBROKEN is based on the incredible true story of former Olympian & WWII hero Louis Zamperini. The story is adapted form Laura Hillenbrand’s book, UNBROKEN with a script rewritten by Ethan and Joel Coen. Zamperini endured weeks adrift in the Pacific along with other soldiers and were later imprisoned in a Japanese camp.

Universal Pictures launched the #IAmUnbroken project inspired by Louis Zamperini's indomitable spirit. With his determination and resilience, Zamperini exemplified the strength of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle and remain UNBROKEN. The #IAmUnbroken social movement works to spread inspiring stories of triumph over adversity, reminding us to live every day to the fullest and to never doubt the resilience of the human soul. We invite your readers to share their own #IAmUnbroken stories, or that of a loved one, at By uploading videos, photos, and social media posts with hashtag #IAmUnbroken, a few select stories will be chosen to have a professional team create a video segment. Selected stories may also be featured on NBC's TODAY, and those who submit have the opportunity to receive an invitation to the film's world premiere.

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