Exclusive: Ernie Hudson Gives Update on 'Ghostbusters' Sequel

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Ernie Hudson, one of our beloved Ghostbusters, will be coming into our living rooms this fall in a follow-up to Quantum Leap on NBC and Peacock. In our Zoom chat with the actor, we chat about his latest role but we had to ask about the sequel to GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE and he spilled some tea about the follow-up which will have his Winston character front and center this time around. Watch the interview below.

In the GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE post-credit scene, Hudson's Winston indicates there's something bigger brewing and somehow his successful business will be getting involved. This suggests Hudson will have a bigger role or at least spearhead the action needed to combat a new threat. In the interview below, Hudson reveals the next GHOSTBUSTERS movie will move away from the nostalgia and move the story forward. 

Stay tuned for our full interview with Hudson about his Quantum Leap role and how the new series will continue the spirit of the original television series.

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