Latest News About The 'Black Widow' Movie

Black Widow Scarlett Johansson

Comic-book fans have been awaiting for a standalone film about the Black Widow character from the Marvel universe for many years. But recent reports suggest that Scarlett Johansson is keen to make sure that the project goes ahead, even if she seems unsure when it will actually happen.

Whilst having to wait until 2020 will definitely be dispiriting for many fans of this ass-kicking female hero, it’s good to see how Johansson and Marvel Studio chief, Kevin Feige, seem to be committed to giving Black Widow some serious screen-time in the next few years.

Whether this is just hot air or actual concrete plans remains to be seen, but it seems that the time is perfect for Marvel to put some money behind the Black Widow character.

Ever since Scarlett Johansson brought Black Widow to our screens in IRON MAN 2, the actress has been one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. And with plenty of other great starring roles in 2014’s LUCY and the forthcoming GHOST IN THE SHELL film, it’s clear that the time is perfect for a standalone Black Widow movie.

Certainly Black Widow’s role in 2016’s CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR film showed how this conflicted character has plenty of underlying emotional difficulties and challenges to overcome as she worked out whether to side with Captain America or Tony Stark.

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

And perhaps it’s the Natasha Romanova character that lies beneath the facade of Black Widow that could be most interesting to see in any forthcoming movie. Whilst the test screenings of the upcoming WONDER WOMAN film seem to have conflicted reactions, it’s clear that Scarlett Johansson has what it takes to deliver the emotional firepower necessary to make a big female-fronted action movie success.

But it remains to be seen whether the Black Widow is famous enough to generate the required box office revenues. Although Johansson has done a great job of promoting the character and there is even a mobile slots game dedicated to Black Widow at Elite Mobile Casino, it’s still up for debate as to whether the female character can join the likes of Thor and Black Panther in their own standalone releases.

But seeing as 2019’s CAPTAIN MARVEL looks to be giving the acclaimed actress, Brie Larson, her first taste of Marvel glory, it’s hoped that it might not be long before we see the likes of Black Widow in places other than mobile slots games and as a supporting part in those Avengers movies!

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