Jon Snow Makes Several Appearances in New 'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Trailer

Jon Snow Game of Thrones Season 6 trailer

"He's gone," says Davos Seaworth's voice in the opener to the new trailer for GAME OF THRONES Season 6 as the camera moves in closer to Jon Snow's lifeless body laying in the snow. He may be dead, but Kit Harrington aka Jon Snow makes several appearances throughout the new preview as a corpse unfortunately. Perhaps HBO wants to make us feel certain he's dead, but there's much more to it. Watch the trailer which premiered on Game of Thrones Twitter page and sets up a season of more brutality for the people of Westeros.

< "Wicked Game" performed by James McMorrow plays throughout the trailer as we get a glimpse of what's next for Daenery, Tyrion, Cersie, Sansa, Arya, Jaime, Theon and pretty much the rest of the cast who make an appearance. And finally Bran Stark is back and we can't wait to see what he'll be doing with his special powers.

April 24th can't come soon enough for the premiere of season 6 of GAME OF THRONES on HBO.

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