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Watch Spanish Movie Trailer for Un Gallo Con Muchos Huevos

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 Un Gallo Con Muchos Huevos

The animated film UN GALLO CON MUCHOS HUEVOS certainly is bold with its title, but we guarantee this Spanish movie out of Mexico is fun for the whole family. Watch the trailer featuring the voices of Bruno Bichir, Angelica Vale, Maite Perroni, Omar Chaparro, Ninel Conde and Carlos Espejel.

The world’s most egg-cellent animated (Huevo Cartoon) series finally cracks the U.S. big screen with UN GALLO CON MUCHOS HUEVOS! Toto, (voiced by Bruno Bichir) was born the runt of the litter.  But, when an evil rancher threatens to destroy his home and his family, Toto must go from a timid young “chicken” to abrave and scrappy rooster.  Toto and his friends (voices include:  Angelica Vale, Maite Perroni, Omar Chaparro, Ninel Conde, Carlos Espejel) must band together on an egg-citing adventure that will prove that big surprises can come from little packages.

UN GALLO CON MUCHOS HUEVOS opens September 4th.

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