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New 'Terminator Genisys' Character Movie Posters

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Terminator Genisys CharacterPosters

Three terminators are featured in the new character movie posters for TERMINATOR GENISYS along with their two human targets. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, Jason Clarke and Byung-hun Lee are each going solo on new one-sheets for the re-imagining of the Terminator franchise.

Opening Juy 1st, Arnold Schwarzenegger is an aging terminator in TERMINATOR GENISYS helping Sarah Connor (Clarke) stop Judgement Day in a new timeline that finds Kyle Reese (Courtney) being the rescuee versus rescuer. Watch Trailer

In the newly released character posters, John Connor appears as a new type of terminator on the hunt for his mommy dearest while Byun-hun Lee is the Asian version of the T-1000. It seems even Skynet got the diversity memo.

"Game of Thrones'" Emilia Clarke has been sexualized on her Sarah Connor character poster which is no surprise given Hollywood's penchant for repeating itself.

'Terminator Genisys' New French Movie Poster

Jai Courtney on Shooting 'Terminator Genisys' and 'Insurgent' Back to Back

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terminatorgenisysposter ArnoldSchwarzenegger

terminatorgenisysposter EmiliaClarke

terminatorgenisysposter JasonClarke

terminatorgenisysposter JaiCourtney

terminatorgenisysposter Byung hunLee

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