Kuno Becker on Obesity in Mexico and the U.S. in New Doc FED UP


Kuno Becker narrates the Spanish version of FED UP, a new documentary that reveals how the food industry gets your child addicted to sugar and why it has the same effects on your brain as cocaine. CineMovie sits down with the Mexican actor who believes that part of the problem of obesity in both Mexico and the United States may be related to a void in people's lives they are trying to fill with the wrong kinds of food.

Kuno Becker tells CineMovie's Sue Evelyn Gil that he was just as shocked when he watched FED UP to learn the practices of the food industry in processed foods and the government that allows it. Health experts in FED UP claim that lack of exercise and junk food aren't to blame for the obesity epidemic but the levels of sugar put into processed foods.

Kuno also talks about how FED UP changed his own perception of his own diet and he's offering his theory as to why people fill the void in their lives by excessive eating.

FED UP opens in the United States with Katie Couric narrating on May 9 while the Spanish version with Kuno Becker will open in Mexico and Latin America.


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