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Category: Blogs
Published: Sunday, 17 May 2009 06:33
Written by Lupe Haas
Congratulations to CineMovie subscriber Justin Berrios of Long Beach, CA for winning TERMINATOR SALVATION Premiere Tickets from CineMovie. Justin blogs about his experience on the red carpet at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood and then watching the movie with Christian Bale and the cast of the new Terminator movie opening Thursday, May 21st.
Justin Berrios' Blog
Terminator Salvation was my first (and hopefully not my last) experience on the red carpet (which interestingly enough was black.) I don't get particularly "star-struck" but even so, it's just surreal seeing people you've only seen in movies or on television in the flesh. Not to mention the actual Terminator replica staring at the crowd.
There was a bit of a mix-up when we were taken down to the red carpet to do an interview with MTV tr3s, apparently thinking we won the tickets from them.
During the interview I looked over to my left and standing not six feet away from me was Kelly Osbourne.
After the interview we had our picture taken on the black red carpet and went inside. Now as I said, this was my first premiere so I was quite pleasantly surprised to find out that popcorn and drinks were complimentary! We were shown to our seats and whenever a celeb would walk in everybody applauded. Once everybody was seated, the lights went down and the curtain opened to reveal a screen a lot bigger than I had expected to be honest. I always said that midnight showings had the best crowds, but I was wrong.
During the opening credits people were cheering for every name that appeared on the screen, none more so than Christian Bale and McG. Even after a few particularly awesome action sequences the audience applauded. The movie itself was great. Much better than T3, more action-packed and fast paced than the original, and while I can't say it's better than T2 (because seriously, what could ever be better than T2?) Salvation definitely ranks up with it.
So if you're a fan at all of Terminator, Christian Bale, or any post apocalyptic man vs. machine sci-fi flick then do yourself the favor and go see this movie. It was an awesome experience and now I can proudly cross "go to a Hollywood premiere" off of my "do before I die" list.