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Alfred Hitchock Hits On Scarlett Johansson (Video)

Scarlet Johansson's turn as the classic Hollywood beauty was a departure for the 28-year-old actress.  Known for playing over-sexed and/or tough female roles, The Avengers actress plays it demure and morally uncorrupted as Janet Leigh who was married at the time to Some Like It Hot actor Tony Curtis (with whom she had Jamie Lee Curtis). In this clip, Scarlet as Janet Leigh meets her director for the first time over dinner with his wife in-tow.  Hitchcock can't help but be attracted to the blonde bombshell, and makes a comment about her nude scene in PSYCHO being "TITillating."  Mrs. Hitchcok is not amused by her husband's remark.  Anthony Hopkins nails it as the classic horror movie director.  

It's  no secret Alfred Hitchock preferred blondes as evident in casting nearly all blondes as his leading ladies in all his films. Directed by Sacha Gervasi, HITCHCOCK tells the story of the relationship between his long-suffering wife Alma Reville and her philandering husband  - Psycho, Vertigo, and Rear Window director Alfred Hitchock.   Apart from their marriage, the film tells the story behind the making of Psycho in 1959, and the large role Mrs. Hitchcock played in making Psycho a success.  

PSYCHO opens in limited run this holiday season with expansion in movie theaters January 10, 2013.

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