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Movie Clip: Its Birds Versus Monkeys In The Animated Film RIO

Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, and George Lopez lend their voices and musical talents to RIO as feathered friends along with Academy Award nominee Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network), Black Eyed Peas' will.i.am, Leslie Mann, Rodrigo Santoro (300) and Tracy Morgan (30 Rock). In RIO, Blu (Jesse Eisenberg), a domesticated Macaw who never learned to fly, travels to Rio de Janeiro to mate with the only other surviving Macaw named Jewel (voiced by Anne Hathaway). Once in Brazil, Jewel and Blu are on the run from animal smugglers with help from a group of wise-cracking and smooth-talking city birds.

In this clip from RIO, its the birds versus the monkey.  The monkeys have been forced into chasing the birds all around Rio to capture them for the bad guy.  Anne Hathaway (Love & Other Drugs) and Jesse Eisenberg voice th two Macaws. Watch video.


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