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Movie Reviews and Clip: Nine

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Daniel Day-Lewis (There Will Be Blood, Gangs of New York) is world famous film director Guido Contini.  He reaches a creative and personal crisis of epic proportion while balancing the numerous women in his life including his wife (Marion Cotillard), his mistress (Penelope Cruz), his film star muse (Nicole Kidman), his confidant and costume designer (Judi Dench), an American fashion journalist (Kate Hudson), the whore from his youth (Fergie from The Black Eye Peas) and his mother (Sophia Loren).
In this clip from Rob Marshall's (Chicago) NINE, Guido's mistress played by Penelope Cruz (Broken Embraces, Vanilla Sky) begs her lover to stay with her.  
Weinstein Co.
Release: 12/18/09 NY & LA and 12/25/2009 nationwide

Starring:    Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Stacy ´Fergie´ Ferguson, Kate Hudson, Sophia Loren, Directed By:    Rob Marshall

Produced By:    Bob Weinstein, Michael Dreyer, Ryan Kavanaugh, Kelly Carmichael, Tucker Tooley

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