Join CineMovie's Club (Perks with Patronage)

CineMovie TV needs your support to maintain the site, and we're starting a club on Patreon with exclusive perks for patrons only. With your patronage, you'll get lots of chances to win movie and tv swag. 

  • First 10 patrons will each receive a digital code for a recent movie.
  • Get first dibs at screenings, giveaways and unedited interviews.
  • Every month, a loyal patron will be rewarded with a digital code for a new home release.  
  • Every month one mega subscriber will receive a CineMovieTV Mystery Box full of goodies.

We love covering movies and television shows but we need your support to continue. Click on the image above for the different tiers of patronage on Patreon. 

Movie Ticket Giveaway: Watch 'A Million Miles Away' with Michael Pena

Michael Peña in A Million Miles Away ticket giveaway

Michael Peña stars as NASA flight engineer José Hernández in the Prime Video movie, A MILLION MILES AWAY, who was rejected by the space program 11 times until his perseverance skyrocketed him into space. Watch his inspirational story in 10 cities nationwide by entering below and claiming your free pair of movie tickets*.


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'Blue Beetle' Ticket Giveaway in 8 Cities Nationwide

Blue Beetle movie ticket giveaway

DC Comics' BLUE BEETLE makes its big screen debut on August 18 starring Cobra Kai's Xolo Maridueña and directed by Angel Manuel Soto. CineMovie has advance movie screenings in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, NYC, Houston, Dallas, Phoenix and San Jose. Read on to enter the BLUE BEETLE ticket giveaway. Read on to find out how to enter. 


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