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Movie Bad Guy of the Month: Rednecks

The popularity of redneck reality shows has rubbed off on the big screen, but these drug dealing hillbillies in both movies are no joke.  Ironically, the British-born Statham and Bale, a Welsh actor, play Americans in both films and learn the code of the redneck. Did they even know what a redneck was before breaking big in the United States? Well now they do.

In OUT OF THE FURNACE, Christian Bale is a steel mill factory worker going about life in a small town in Pennsylvania when he learns that his brother played by Casey Affleck, went looking for some extra cash in a backwoods fight club run by Woody Harrelson, a violent, drug-dealing menace. The police refuse to arrest the suspects because no one wants to deal with hillbilly justice.  Two sheriffs take the time to explain to Bale’s character that this violent community are tight-knit and won’t rat on each other, it’s “best be careful of these folks.”

Funny enough in HOMEFRONT starring Jason Statham, his character is also warned about rednecks from the town’s Sheriff as well as other local residences from the Louisiana swamplands.  Rednecks are known for their generational feuds and they don’t easily forget so they advise him to play nice. Kate Bosworth and James Franco play some of the backwater country folk who are out to hurt Jason Statham and his daughter.

HOMEFRONT Movie Review

Good thing rednecks have better representation on television with hilarious reality television shows like Duck Dynasty, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Swamp People, Moonshiners to offset the bad wrap they’re getting on the big screen this month.

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