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12 Dia De Los Muertos Movies

The November 1st holiday brings together families to celebrate their deceased loves ones with visits to their graves with gifts and decorations such as sugar skulls and marigolds.  The festivities coincide with the Catholic holidays of All Saints’ Day or All Souls Day (November 2).  

Unlike Halloween, the day celebrates past loved ones with colorful crafts so to get in the mood, here are 12 ghost friendly movies to celebrate the friendlier side of the season (in no particular order).


Truly Madly Deeply (1990)
Alan Rickman and Juliet Stevenson star in the late Anthony Minghella-directed romantic comedy.  The two are happy until Rickman’s character dies, but refuses to leave his beloved side.

Casper (1995)
Bill Pullman, Christina Ricci, and Eric Idle go paranormal in search of a friendly ghost in an abandoned house.

The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Bruce Willis starrer may seem frightening, but as most know – the creepy dead people need Haley Joel Osment as a medium.

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
This Hollywood black and white classic directed by famous director Joseph L. Mankiewicz (All About Eve, Cleopatra) and starring Gene Tierney, Rex Harrison, and George Sanders has been called the greatest love story of all time… with a ghost.

The Frighteners (1996)
Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit) directs Michael J. Fox in the horror comedy.

Topper  (1937)
In this light-hearted comedy, Cary Grant and Constance Bennett die in a car accident and come back to haunt their stuffy rich friend Topper. In this light-hearted comedy

Ghost (1990)
The late Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg star in the beloved romantic drama that still inspires countless spoofs.

Beetle Juice (1988)
Tim Burton’s ghostly comedy is still a classic Halloween and Day of the Dead treat with Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Michael Keaton, and a young Winona Ryder.  

Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Jack Skellington is perfect for a Dia De Los Muertos screening with the appropriate attire already. 
Scrooge Story (1951, 1970, 1988)
The classic Scrooge parable never tires as 3 versions exists either starring Albert Finney, Alastair Sim, or Bill Murray.  Take your pick.

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
Even the Muppets take a stab at the classic Scrooge Story

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